Monday 23 August 2010

Why has "One who Know's" been gagged by Splintered Sunrise?

I was very interested to read a post on Splintered Sunrise about a friend of mine caught up in the saga of the Birmingham Three. Another friend has tried to put their point of view across several times and appears to have been blocked so as requested I am posting the comment here.

From "One who Knows " said:
An exercise in spinning a great story almost out of thin air. Impressions are so subjective. Those who know Father Chavasse well would hardly recognize him in the caricature that you paint.The young man in the case did not approach the Birmingham Oratory with a view to priesthood.
The "friendship" comprised a few meals out, a couple of visits to the cinema, and one or two pilgrimages.
No-one who knows Father Chavasse ever believed the rumours spread about him, and would not even say an "impression" of an imprudent friendship had been given. No, the friendship formed the basis of a smear campaign against Father Chavasse which was taken up and used by others to further their own agenda.
As for Father Fenlon not being homophobic-there are many others who would tell a different tale. There is much more that could be said.
The real cause for dissension in the Birmingham Oratory is not to do with the friendship, not to do with the interpretation of Cardinal Newman, but with internal politics. And that is the real story.
Oh and by the way, Father Chavasse finished his term of office in February 2010, having already decided some months earlier that he did not wish to seek re-election.